Marko Rakic

Hello, my name is Marko Rakic, I am an experienced Full Stack web developer. I specialize in crafting beautiful web applications that center around business solutions and processes. I am currently working with D19N, a New York based company with a strong presence in the telecommunications industry servicing companies like YouFibre and Netomnia. I also run a significant part of STREET 17 a tech company based in Tallinn, Estonia. In the past two years I worked on advanced fibre network data graph visualization. My primary focus currently rests on front-end development, guided by robust design principles and essential UX concepts. I am a very keen learner, picking up new stuff almost everyday. You can visit my GitHub profile, or write me at anytime.

My primary Technology stack:

TypescriptReactReact NativeNestJS / ApolloGraphQLPostgreSQLPostGISGISQGISAntV G6Data visualizationGatsbyStrapiPythonDocker / AWSgit / bash / zsh